


On 14 November and 16 November 2023, the Euskalduna Palace (Bilbao) will host the 1st edition of Maritime Blue Growth, a unique international maritime congress divided into 3 sections (1 per day), which deals transversally with the transition to the Blue Circular Economy.

Congress 2023 Programme

14 November

CONGRESS (Part 1): Effect of Technological Progress: BLUE CIRCULAR ECONOMY

DIRECTOR OF THE DAY: Manuel Martínez Ruiz (Admiral Director of Naval Engineering and Construction)

10:30- 11:00

COFFEE-BREAK (coffee, juice and water)


11:00 - 12:00

Inaugural session

Philippos Philis

President of ECSA (European Community Shipowners Association)

Accompanied by recognition professionals from the 5 sectors represented in MBG

12:00 - 12:30


AYK Energy Ltd.: Chris Kruger (Presidente)

Technologies in favour of the Blue Circular Economy

12:30 - 14:00

Sectoral presentations

Pymar: José Francisco Fernández (Secretary General)

Challenges facing Spanish shipbuilding.

AEE (Asoc. Empresarial Eólica): Juan Virgilio Márquez López (CEO)

Challenges to be faced by Spanish marine renewable energies

Cepesca: Javier Garat (Secretary General)

Challenges to be faced by the Spanish fisheries sector.

State Ports: Marta Gómez Lahoz (Head of Blue Economy)

Challenges to be faced by the Spanish port sector.

Cepsa: Rubén SendínCommercial Cross-Business Opportunities – Biofuels

New fuels to be incorporated into maritime transport.

Sasemar: Berta Blanco Meruelo (Head of Environmental Monitoring Area)

Challenges for the Administration against maritime pollution. Aerial and satellite surveillance.

14:00 - 15:30

PRIVATE COCKTAIL (Exclusive access with VIP pass). It will take place in the “Premium” area of the Business Point.


16:00 - 17:30

Round Table

Moderator: Javier Romero Yacobi

Strategy Director and member of the Corporate Management Committee of Navantia

International vision and initiatives in the face of rapid technological progress, which is inexorably leading us towards the blue circular economy.

Sea Europe: Christophe Tytgat (Secretario General)

What resources exist in European shipbuilding, and what resources will have to be created to meet these new challenges.

GOE-ASIME (Galician Offshore Energy Group): Pedro Pérez Gabriel(Coordinator)

Value chain: SMEs in the offshore wind sector

ECSA: Philippos Philis (President)

What resources exist in European shipping, and what resources will need to be created to meet these new challenges?

Circular Replay: Daniel de la Torre (Business Development Director)

Technological development and blue circularity.


17:30 - 19:00

AFTERWORKS: Speakers, VIP guests, authorities, sponsors and exhibitors will meet in the Business Point area (snacks, drinks and live music)


FINE AWARDS (access by invitation only)

20:30 - 21:30


21:30 - 22:45

Gala Dinner

22:45 - 23:30

Awards Ceremony

23:30 - 01:00



15 November

CONGRESO (2ª Parte): Impact of Technological Advancement and the Blue Circular Economy: NEW BUSINESSES

DIRECTOR OF THE DAY: Elena Seco (General Director of ANAVE)

10:00 - 10:20


Gonzalo Sanz Alisedo

10:20 - 11:00


Manuel Maqueda
Director of Bionomia

Blue circular revolution: it’s not what you think, it’s how you think. How to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities for innovation towards a blue, circular and regenerative economy.

11:00 - 12:30

Sectoral presentations

Navantia Seanergies: Javier Herrador (Director)

Opportunities offered by Green Energies to the Spanish Maritime and Naval Industry.

Soermar: Marcos Freire (President)

Technological and scientific challenges for the shipbuilding and maritime industry.

Anave: Vicente Boluda Fos (President)

New scenarios and opportunities for the Spanish maritime transport sector.

Navantia: José Luis Fernández González (Director of the “European Patrol Corvette” Program (EPC)

Sustainability aspects that will make the EPC the first European sustainable combat ship

Arbulu Group: Iñaki Arbulu (CEO)

New scenarios and opportunities for the Spanish fisheries sector.

Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Santiago Yanes (Head of Innovation and Strategic Projects)

Port ZERO Projects

12:30 - 13:00

COFFEE-BREAK (coffee, juice and water)



Meeting of the ANAVE Steering Committee.

13:00 - 14:30

Round Table

Moderator: Knutsen Spain – Álvaro Agosti(CEO)

What new business opportunities will emerge in the European maritime sector, given the impact of technological progress and the new direction towards the blue circular economy.

SMRC Repairs Group (Sea Europe): Sander den Heijer (Executive Secretary)

Opportunities for the European ship repair and conversion industry for existing ships.

ICS (International Chamber of Shipping): Simon Bennett (Deputy Secretary General).

Opportunities for European shipping in view of future regulations.

Europêche: Daniel Voces (Managing Director)

Opportunities and obligations for the European fisheries sector in the face of future regulations and business.

AON: Claudia Beatriz Gómez

(ESG Executive Director AON Spain)

Emerging risk of greenwashing

OpenSea: Ignacio Delgado

Founding partner of OpenSea, Promoter of the Elcano Oceanic Trophy

The Elcano Oceanic Trophy, the great blue and circular challenge


14:30 - 16:00

COCKTAIL: Private (Exclusive access with VIP pass). It will take place in the “Premium” area of the Business Point.


16:00 - 17:30

Round Table Universities

Mercedes Pardo (IME), Eva Novoa (Soermar), María Victoria Redondo (UCA), Antonio Crucelaegui (UPM) and Raúl Villa (UDC)

Universities, a pillar of talent and technology for the naval and maritime sector.

17:30 - 19:30

AFTERWORKS: Speakers, VIP guests, authorities, sponsors and exhibitors will meet in the Business Point area (snacks, drinks and live music)



16 November

CONGRESS (Part 3): Future and disruption: BEYOND TRANSITION

CONFERENCE LEADER: Diego Fernández (President of the Spanish Association of Naval and Ocean Engineers)

10:00 - 10:15


Ministry of Defence: CF José Ramón Cuartero (DGAM Technical Advisor)

10:15 - 10:45


Blue Point: Íñigo Doria (CEO)

Applications to the Blue Circular Economy.

10:45 - 12:15

Sectoral presentations

TSI: Publio Beltrán (Director General)

European blue economy projects with Spanish participation

MIK Innovation Center of the Mondragón Corporation: Eduardo Castellano (Chief Executive Officer)

Intercooperation technologies to move towards the new circular Blue Economy.

Marewind Project Consortium: Marta Mateo García de Galdiano (EU Project Coordinator _ Technological Centre LUREDERRA)

Results under the perspective of the “Future of the Circular Economy in the Blue Sector”.

Ikerlan: Endika Bilbao (Senior Researcher Power Electronics)

New energy developments for the transition of the maritime sector towards the new Blue Circular Economy.

Management Research Centre – MIK: Ainara Martínez (Researcher expert in circular economy)

Challenges and opportunities in the transition process towards the new Blue Circular Economy.

Marexi Marine Technology: Iñaki Miniño Arbilla (CEO)

Some examples of how new technologies can contribute to the Blue Circular Economy

12:15 - 12:45

COFFEE-BREAK (coffee, juice and water)


12:45 - 14:15

Round Table

Moderator: Marflet: Carlos Cremades (President of Fletamientos Marítimos)

What future is on the horizon for Spanish maritime, beyond digitalisation, future regulations and the blue circular economy.

Iberdrola: Ignacio Pantojo (Floating Wind Department Manager)

Floating wind turbines.

Cotenaval: José Poblet (Director)

Is Shore Shipping threatened by new regulations?

State Ports : José Llorca (Head of the Innovation Area)

Innovative and sustainable investments and strategies.

TSI: Diego Galar Pascual (CTO)

“Application of digital twins in the blue economy”.


14:15 - 15:45

FAREWELL COCKTAIL (Exclusive access with VIP pass). It will take place in the “Premium” area of the Business Point.
